Saturday, November 20, 2010

FREE 4LoKo!!!

Not Free as in $0.00 but let my loko go!
Alcoholic energy beverage Four Loko has been getting a bad wrap lately. After a series of college students were hospitalized for alcohol poisoning linked to the "crazy can of 4", a movement has risen on many college campuses to ban the consumption of the drink. As a result, many stores have voluntarily removed the drinks from their shelves. The State of New York, along with Utah, Michigan, and Oklahoma, has placed a ban on the sale of energy alcoholic beverages.
We feel like this: Don’t get mad at the sun because it's hot! You get in the shade or you make sure you don’t burned.

These amateur "college drinkers" have ruined it for people who can consume a Four loko and not have to be on bed rest for a week. Maybe these college campuses should crack down on under-age drinking and cut out the HATING 

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